A regular monthly meeting of the Town of New Hope Board of Aldermen Town Council was held on Tuesday, February 24, 2015, in the New Hope Town Hall. It was called to order at 7:39 p.m. by Mayor Johnny Hamm. Also present were Ald. Carol King, Ald. Bob Parmelee, Ald. Omar Nunez, Ald. Alexandria Hull, and attorney John Rapier. Absent was Ald. Jeff Herbst.
There were 8 citizens present.
Item 1. Call to order and quorum check.
Citizen Comments. Introduced Atty Shannon Kackley to Council. Mr. Welch requested rock be put down on the entrance to the construction site on Rockcrest at 20 ft x 50 ft.
Item 2. Consent Items
a. Motion made to accept January 2015 minutes by Ald. Bob Parmelee and Ald. Alex Hull made a second. All approved. Motion carried.
b. Treasurer Report given by Treasurer Bob Parmelee. Motion made to accept the Treasurer Report by Mayor Johnny Hamm and Ald. Carol King made a second with the correction on line for CEFFC changed to $40,000. All approved. Motion carried.
Item 3. Road report was not given by Road Commissioner as he was absent from February 2015 meeting.
Item 4. Town Atty Rapier sent out 5 RFPs requesting and receiving bids for performing a Town audit. Four firms responded. The Town Council selected 2 firms for Council interview who also were present at the Town Council Meeting for individual questioning.
Town Council went into Executive Session at 7:49 pm. Town Council returned from Executive Session at 8:27 pm.
Town Council announced choice was made to accept offer from auditor Evans, Pingleton and Howard, PLLC, certified public accountants of Frisco, Texas. Ald. Carol King made a motion to accept the offer as given and a second was made by Ald. Omar Nunez. All approved. Motion carried.
Item 5. Workshop concerning zoning discussion and possible changes to Zoning Ordinance was scheduled for March 24, 2015. The next Town of New Hope Town Council meeting is scheduled for March 31, 2015, 7:30 p.m. at Town Hall.
Meeting adjourned at 8:41 p.m.