May 2014

A regular monthly meeting of the Town of New Hope Board of Aldermen Town Council was held on Tuesday, May 27, 2014, in the New Hope Town Hall. It was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Johnny Hamm. Also present were Atty. John Rapier, Ald. Carol King, Ald. Bob Parmelee, Ald. Jeff Herbst, Omar Nunez, and Ald. Alexandria Hull.

There were 10 citizens present.

Item 1. Call to order and quorum check.

Item 2. Citizen Comments. None given.

Item 3. Oaths of Oaths of office for Mayor Johnny Hamm (2 year) and two Aldermen were given to Bob Parmelee (2 year) and Carol King (2 year).

Item 4. Road report was given by Road Commissioner, Ald. Jeff Herbst. There was some road work done this past month.

Item 5. There was some discussion concerning recommendation from Duke Monson, Zoning Chairman, to appoint 2 Council members along with Duke to be an advisory committee to assist in making timely zoning decisions. Volunteers for advisors were Ald. Jeff Herbst and Ald. Omar Nunez. Mayor Johnny Hamm made a motion to accept the volunteers to be zoning advisors and Ald. Alex Hull made a second.

Item 6. A report was given on quotes for Town Park repairs as required by ADA inspection. Two quotes were presented. Ald. Jeff Herbst made motion to table the decision on repair and Ald. Carol King made a second.
Item 7. Andrew Hull gave a report on the proposed appointee recommendations to the Town Park Committee. Ald. Jeff Herbst made a motion to accept recommendation of Committee members to run for 2 years and to run concurrent with the Mayor and Ald. Carol King made a second. Appointees were accepted and as named: Andrew Hull, Alex Hull, Alan Welch, Genifer Welch.

Andrew Hull gave a report on security cameras and various cleanup issues with the Park.

Item 8. Angel Hamm made recommendation for proposed New Town Event Committee. Ald. Jeff Herbst made a motion to accept volunteers and a second was made by Ald. Carol King. Members are as noted: Angel Hamm, Josh Stevenson, Omar Nunez, Barbara Stevenson, Jeff Schmidt, Beth Schmidt, Melinda Howard, and Heather Ralls.

Item 9. Next Town of New Hope Town Council meeting is scheduled for June 24, 2014, 7:30 p.m. at Town Hall. (NOTE: Meeting was changed to July 1, 2014 to allow for public hearing concerning zoning changing for property on Rockcrest.)

Meeting adjourned at 8:18 p.m. 

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