April 2014

A regular monthly meeting of the Town of New Hope Board of Aldermen Town Council was held on Tuesday, April 29, 2014, in the New Hope Town Hall. It was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Johnny Hamm. Also present were Atty. John Rapier, Ald. Carol King, Ald. Bob Parmelee, Ald. Jeff Herbst, Omar Nunez, and Ald. Alexandria Hull.

There were 4 citizens present.
Item 1. Call to order and quorum check. Item 2. Citizen Comments. None given.

Item 3. Treasurer's report was given by Treasurer Ald. Bob Parmelee for April 2014. There was some discussion concerning changes to line item American Nation. There was a motion made by Mayor Johnny Hamm to accept the Treasurer report for March 2014. Second was made by Ald. Jeff Herbst with note to change the line item for American National.

Motion was made by Ald. Herbst to accept the Minutes of March 2014 and a second was made by Ald. Parmelee. None opposed and all approved. Motion carried.

Item 4. Road report was given by Road Commissioner, Ald. Jeff Herbst. There was no road work started as of this date. Ald. Herbst gave report on TAPS transportation meeting and the various routes available.

Item 5. Mayor Hamm gave report on Town Park state inspection. Atty. Rapier discussed options for repair/changes. There was some discussion concerning the costs and about getting quotes. There are 90 days in which to decide on how to proceed to correct the problems found by the inspection. Ald. Herbst and Ald. Nunez agreed to obtain quotes on work that needed to be done.

Item 6. Andrew Hull gave report on Park irrigation and plants for Park grant. Mr. Polser, sprinkler consultant gave info on problems with current sprinkle system. There was some discussion on native plant. There was more discussion concerning repair and maintenance of existing Park equipment. The Park Committee will meet this month and select a Chairman and members to be appointed next month at May Council meeting.

Item 7. Next Town of New Hope Town Council meeting is scheduled for May 27, 2014, 7:30 p.m. at Town Hall.

Meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m. 

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