October 2014

A regular monthly meeting of the Town of New Hope Board of Aldermen Town Council was held on Tuesday, October 28, 2014, in the New Hope Town Hall. It was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Pro Tem Jeff Herbst. Also present were Ald. Carol King, Ald. Bob Parmelee, and Ald. Omar Nunez. Mayor Johnny Hamm and Ald. Alexandria Hull were absent.

There were 6 citizens present.

Item 1. Call to order and quorum check.
Citizen Comment. There was comment that there seemed to be work going on at 140 East New Hope Road and had some pictures of that work.

Item 2. Consent Items

a. September 2014 Town Council Meeting Minutes were accepted with date correction. None opposed and all approved. Motion carried.

b. October 2014 Treasurer Report was tabled.

Item 3. Road report was given by Road Commissioner. Ald. Herbst commented on current status of road work.

Item 4. No action taken.

Item 5. There was some discussion concerning a New Hope Town audit. Discussion included recommendation for 3rd party audit on an annual basis at approximately $3,000 to $5,000 yearly. Motion was made to provide number of transactions and for making a request for RFP from accounting firm. Ald. Bob Parmelee made the motion and second was made by Mayor Pro Tem Jeff Herbst.

Item 6. Duke Monson explained need for acquiring an engineer for Town of New Hope and how a contract with Mike Hill would work. Mike Hill also answered some questions from the Council. The Mayor or his authorized agent could made requests for services. Motion by Ald. Nunez was made and a second by Mayor Pro Tem Herbst to accept EJES services. None opposed and all approved. Motion carried.

Item 7. There was some discussion concerning Town budget and adding a new line item for engineering fees. Atty. Rapier proposed subdividing Attorney line item into Professional Fees and Attorney Fees and changing amount from $30,000 to $40,000 annually. Motion to accept this proposal was made by Mayor Pro Tem Herbst and second made by Ald. Nunez. Motion carried and all approved.

Item 8. Mr. Ryan Cottam made presentation concerning final site and building plans for Wedding Venue on property on Rockcrest. Mr. Cottam answered all questions and presented Town with copy of plans. Motion was made by Ald. Nunez and a second by

Mayor Pro Tem Herbst to accept the plans as presented. None opposed and motion carried.

Item 9. Atty Rapier explained the proposed changes to the Park Ordinance 2012-002. Motion was made to accept the changes by Ald. Parmelee and a second by Ald. King. Motion carried and all approved.

Item 10. The next Town of New Hope Town Council meeting is scheduled for November 18, 2014, 7:30 p.m. at Town Hall.

Meeting adjourned at 8:21 p.m. 

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September 2014

A regular monthly meeting of the Town of New Hope Board of Aldermen Town Council was held on Tuesday, September 23, 2014, in the New Hope Town Hall. It was called to order at 7:31 p.m. by Mayor Johnny Hamm. Also present were Ald. Carol King, Ald. Bob Parmelee, and Ald. Jeff Herbst, Ald. Omar Nunez, and Ald. Alexandria Hull. None were absent.

There were 2 citizens present.
Item 1. Call to order and quorum check. Item 2. Citizen Comments. None given.

Item 3. Treasurer's report was given by Treasurer Ald. Bob Parmelee for March 2014. There was some discussion and the Treasurer's Report was accepted with some items clarified. There was a motion made by Mayor Johnny Hamm to accept the Treasurer report for September 2014. Second was made by Ald. Jeff Herbst.

Motion was made by Mayor Hamm to accept the Minutes of August 26, 2014 and approved by general consent. None opposed and all approved. Motion carried.

Item 4. Road report was given by Road Commissioner, Ald. Jeff Herbst. Road work per contract for 2013-2014 is completed.

Item 5. Andrew Hull gave recommendations concerning contractors for Park maintenance. Motion was made to have cleanup work done for Park by Ald. Bob Parmelee for $5,300 and Ald. Jeff Herbst made a second. Motion carried and all approved. No annual contract was approved by Council. There will be a workshop discussing the ongoing needs of the Park.

Item 6. There was one bid received and opened by Atty. John Rapier from Rick Richardson, R&D Paving to maintain Town of New Hope Roads for the fiscal year 2014-2015. Ald. Jeff Herbst made a motion to accept the bid and Mayor Johnny Hamm made a second. None opposed and all approved.

Item 7. Atty John Rapier gave information concerning small taxing unit notice. A motion was made by Mayor Hamm to accept the Ordinance No. 2014-006 setting the Town's 2014-2015 ad valorem tax rate. A second was made by Ald. Jeff Herbst. Motion carried and all approved.

Item 8. There was some discussion concerning appointment of Mayor Pro Tem. Ald. Carol King made a motion to appoint Ald. Jeff Herbst as Mayor Pro Tem and Ald. Bob Parmelee made a second. Motion carried and all approved.

Item 9. The next Town of New Hope Town Council meeting is scheduled for November 25, 2014, 7:30 p.m. at Town Hall.

Meeting adjourned at 8:27 p.m. 

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August 2014

A regular monthly meeting of the Town of New Hope Board of Aldermen Town Council was held
on Tuesday, August 26, 2014, in the New Hope Town Hall. It was called to order at 7:32 p.m. by

Mayor Johnny Hamm. Also present were Atty. John Rapier, Ald. Carol King, Ald. Jeff Herbst, &
Ald. Omar Nunez. There were 3 citizens present.

Item 1. Call to order and quorum check.

Item 2. Citizen Comments. None given.

Item 3. Minutes were approved by general consent. in Ald. Bob Parmelee's absence, no treasury report was presented. Motion was made by Ald. Jeff Herbst and Mayor Johnny Hamm made a second. All approved and motion passed.

Item 4. Road report was given by Road Commissioner, Ald. Jeff Herbst. Road work is progressing as planned.

Item 5. No report was given from the Park Committee. Mayor Johnny Hamm proposed that the wood in the park bridges be replaced, with the Town covering just the cost of lumber. Ald. Jeff Herbst made a motion to approve and Mayor Johnny Hamm made a second. All approved and motion passed.

Ald. Omar Nunez made a proposal to extend the south parking lot, quoted at $53,911, and install seven adult trees in the park, quoted at $12,350. It was also requested that the park committee get quotes for total maintenance fees for park upkeep, to be presented next month.

Ald. Jeff Herbst made a motion to approve the purchase of six trees, 3 live oak and 3 red oak (to planted later), and that the Parking expansion be tabled for a future meeting. Mayor Johnny Hamm Seconded. All approved and motion passed.

Item 6. The Events Committee report was given by Ald. Omar Nunez. Updates were given for New Hope's National Night Out Event, scheduled for October 4, 2014, at 6:30 p.m.

Item 7. The Town Council adjourned at 8:00 p.m. for executive session concerning the Town of New Hope v. Magdalena Nunez pending in the 366th Judicial District Court pursuant to Section 551.072 of the Texas Local Government Code.

Item 8. The Town Council reconvened at 8:13 p.m. No action was taken.

Item 9. Public hearing was opened to receive comments relating the 20142-015 proposed New Hope Budget.

There were no public comments. Public hearing was closed at 8:15 p.m.

Item 10. Ald. Jeff Herbst made a motion to accept resolution 2014-005R Adopting the 20142015 Fiscal Year Town Budget. Ald. Carol King made a second. All in favor, motion passed.

Item 11. Mayor Johnny Hamm made a motion to accept Ordinance No. 2014-004 approving the 2014 Property Tax Roll for the Town of New Hope. Ald. Jeff Herbst made a second. All in favor, motion Passed.

Item 12. Action on Ordinance No. 2014-006 was tabled due to the lack of a Supermajority.

Item 13. Next Town of New Hope Town Council meeting is scheduled for September 23, 2014, 7:30 p.m. at Town Hall.

Meeting Adjourned at 8:21 p.m. 

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July 2014

A regular monthly meeting of the Town of New Hope Board of Aldermen Town Council was held on Tuesday, July 15, 2014, in the New Hope Town Hall. It was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Johnny Hamm. Also present were Atty. John Rapier, Ald. Carol King, Ald. Bob Parmelee, Ald. Jeff Herbst, Omar Nunez, and Ald. Alexandria Hull.

There were 4 citizens present.

Item 1. Call to order and quorum check.

Item 2. Citizen Comments. None given.

Item 3. There was no Treasurer's report given for this month.

Motion was made by Mayor Hamm to accept the Minutes of July 1, 2014, and a second was made by Ald. Herbst. None opposed and all approved. Motion carried.

Item 4. Public hearing open at 7:35 p.m. concerning receipt of comments for or against an application by John, Linda and Ryan Cottam for a Special Use Permit to operate a special event facility on a 5.5 acre tract currently zoned single family residential located on the south side of Rockcrest Road adjacent to the southeast corner of the New Hope Town Park

Welch - Against, still has concerns about drinking and driving risk Public hearing closed at 7:37.
Town Council meeting reconvened.

Item 5. There was some discussion concerning the list of special uses for the permit. Motion was made to accept Resolution 2014-003R by Ald. Bob Parmelee and a second made by Ald. Jeff Herbst. All approved and none opposed. Motion passed.

Item 6. There was some discussion concerning granting consent to the North Collin Water Supply Corporation to convert to a special utility district under Chapter 65 of the Texas Water Code with political boundaries that include the corporate limits of the Town of New Hope by Duke Monson. He explained that the water company needs to borrow funds for capital projects valued at 6M so customers are best served converting the co- op to a Special Utility District (SUD). Proposed projects include a water tower and water pipe improvements and upgrades. Ald. Jeff Herbst made motion to accept Resolution 2014-001R and Ald. Alex Hull made a second. All approved and none opposed. Motion passed.

Item 7. Mayor presented the proposed New Hope Town budget for 2014-2015 and filed with Town Secretary. Workshop was scheduled for August 5, at 7 pm.

Item 8. Road report was given by Road Commissioner, Ald. Jeff Herbst. Road work is moving on schedule.

Item 9: Next Town of New Hope Town Council meeting is scheduled for August 26, 2014, 7:30 p.m. at Town Hall.

Meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m. 

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June 2014

A regular monthly meeting of the Town of New Hope Board of Aldermen Town Council was held on Tuesday, July 15, 2014, in the New Hope Town Hall. It was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Johnny Hamm. Also present were Atty. John Rapier, Ald. Carol King, Ald. Bob Parmelee, Ald. Jeff Herbst, Omar Nunez, and Ald. Alexandria Hull.

There were 4 citizens present.

Item 1. Call to order and quorum check.

Item 2. Citizen Comments. None given.

Item 3. There was no Treasurer's report given for this month.

Motion was made by Mayor Hamm to accept the Minutes of July 1, 2014, and a second was made by Ald. Herbst. None opposed and all approved. Motion carried.

Item 4. Public hearing open at 7:35 p.m. concerning receipt of comments for or against an application by John, Linda and Ryan Cottam for a Special Use Permit to operate a special event facility on a 5.5 acre tract currently zoned single family residential located on the south side of Rockcrest Road adjacent to the southeast corner of the New Hope Town Park

Welch - Against, still has concerns about drinking and driving risk Public hearing closed at 7:37.
Town Council meeting reconvened.

Item 5. There was some discussion concerning the list of special uses for the permit. Motion was made to accept Resolution 2014-003R by Ald. Bob Parmelee and a second made by Ald. Jeff Herbst. All approved and none opposed. Motion passed.

Item 6. There was some discussion concerning granting consent to the North Collin Water Supply Corporation to convert to a special utility district under Chapter 65 of the Texas Water Code with political boundaries that include the corporate limits of the Town of New Hope by Duke Monson. He explained that the water company needs to borrow funds for capital projects valued at 6M so customers are best served converting the co- op to a Special Utility District (SUD). Proposed projects include a water tower and water pipe improvements and upgrades. Ald. Jeff Herbst made motion to accept Resolution 2014-001R and Ald. Alex Hull made a second. All approved and none opposed. Motion passed.

Item 7. Mayor presented the proposed New Hope Town budget for 2014-2015 and filed with Town Secretary. Workshop was scheduled for August 5, at 7 pm. 

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May 2014

A regular monthly meeting of the Town of New Hope Board of Aldermen Town Council was held on Tuesday, May 27, 2014, in the New Hope Town Hall. It was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Johnny Hamm. Also present were Atty. John Rapier, Ald. Carol King, Ald. Bob Parmelee, Ald. Jeff Herbst, Omar Nunez, and Ald. Alexandria Hull.

There were 10 citizens present.

Item 1. Call to order and quorum check.

Item 2. Citizen Comments. None given.

Item 3. Oaths of Oaths of office for Mayor Johnny Hamm (2 year) and two Aldermen were given to Bob Parmelee (2 year) and Carol King (2 year).

Item 4. Road report was given by Road Commissioner, Ald. Jeff Herbst. There was some road work done this past month.

Item 5. There was some discussion concerning recommendation from Duke Monson, Zoning Chairman, to appoint 2 Council members along with Duke to be an advisory committee to assist in making timely zoning decisions. Volunteers for advisors were Ald. Jeff Herbst and Ald. Omar Nunez. Mayor Johnny Hamm made a motion to accept the volunteers to be zoning advisors and Ald. Alex Hull made a second.

Item 6. A report was given on quotes for Town Park repairs as required by ADA inspection. Two quotes were presented. Ald. Jeff Herbst made motion to table the decision on repair and Ald. Carol King made a second.
Item 7. Andrew Hull gave a report on the proposed appointee recommendations to the Town Park Committee. Ald. Jeff Herbst made a motion to accept recommendation of Committee members to run for 2 years and to run concurrent with the Mayor and Ald. Carol King made a second. Appointees were accepted and as named: Andrew Hull, Alex Hull, Alan Welch, Genifer Welch.

Andrew Hull gave a report on security cameras and various cleanup issues with the Park.

Item 8. Angel Hamm made recommendation for proposed New Town Event Committee. Ald. Jeff Herbst made a motion to accept volunteers and a second was made by Ald. Carol King. Members are as noted: Angel Hamm, Josh Stevenson, Omar Nunez, Barbara Stevenson, Jeff Schmidt, Beth Schmidt, Melinda Howard, and Heather Ralls.

Item 9. Next Town of New Hope Town Council meeting is scheduled for June 24, 2014, 7:30 p.m. at Town Hall. (NOTE: Meeting was changed to July 1, 2014 to allow for public hearing concerning zoning changing for property on Rockcrest.)

Meeting adjourned at 8:18 p.m. 

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April 2014

A regular monthly meeting of the Town of New Hope Board of Aldermen Town Council was held on Tuesday, April 29, 2014, in the New Hope Town Hall. It was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Johnny Hamm. Also present were Atty. John Rapier, Ald. Carol King, Ald. Bob Parmelee, Ald. Jeff Herbst, Omar Nunez, and Ald. Alexandria Hull.

There were 4 citizens present.
Item 1. Call to order and quorum check. Item 2. Citizen Comments. None given.

Item 3. Treasurer's report was given by Treasurer Ald. Bob Parmelee for April 2014. There was some discussion concerning changes to line item American Nation. There was a motion made by Mayor Johnny Hamm to accept the Treasurer report for March 2014. Second was made by Ald. Jeff Herbst with note to change the line item for American National.

Motion was made by Ald. Herbst to accept the Minutes of March 2014 and a second was made by Ald. Parmelee. None opposed and all approved. Motion carried.

Item 4. Road report was given by Road Commissioner, Ald. Jeff Herbst. There was no road work started as of this date. Ald. Herbst gave report on TAPS transportation meeting and the various routes available.

Item 5. Mayor Hamm gave report on Town Park state inspection. Atty. Rapier discussed options for repair/changes. There was some discussion concerning the costs and about getting quotes. There are 90 days in which to decide on how to proceed to correct the problems found by the inspection. Ald. Herbst and Ald. Nunez agreed to obtain quotes on work that needed to be done.

Item 6. Andrew Hull gave report on Park irrigation and plants for Park grant. Mr. Polser, sprinkler consultant gave info on problems with current sprinkle system. There was some discussion on native plant. There was more discussion concerning repair and maintenance of existing Park equipment. The Park Committee will meet this month and select a Chairman and members to be appointed next month at May Council meeting.

Item 7. Next Town of New Hope Town Council meeting is scheduled for May 27, 2014, 7:30 p.m. at Town Hall.

Meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m. 

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March 2014

A regular monthly meeting of the Town of New Hope Board of Aldermen Town Council was held on Tuesday, March 25, 2014, in the New Hope Town Hall. It was called to order at 7:46 p.m. by Mayor Johnny Hamm. Also present were Ald. Carol King, Ald. Bob Parmelee, and Ald. Jeff Herbst. Absent were Ald. Omar Nunez and Ald. Alexandria Hull.

There were 3 citizens present.
Item 1. Call to order and quorum check. Item 2. Citizen Comments. None given.

Item 3. Treasurer's report was given by Treasurer Ald. Bob Parmelee for March 2014. There was a motion made by Mayor Johnny Hamm to accept the Treasurer report for March 2014. Second was made by Ald. Jeff Herbst.

Motion was made by Ald. Herbst to accept the Minutes of February 2014 and a second was made by Mayor Hamm. None opposed and all approved. Motion carried.

Item 4. Road report was given by Road Commissioner, Ald. Jeff Herbst. Ald. Herbst discussed condition of roads and repairs that need to be done and submitted Road Repair Proposal 2014-2015. There was some discussion about the quality of roads and the current use of Buckboard Rd, and also about types of road paving. Mayor Hamm made a motion to accept the submitted Road Repair Proposal for 2014-2015 totalling $100,855. Ald. Parmelee made a second. None opposed and all approved. Motion carried.

Item 5. Mayor Hamm announced the Town Park would be inspected by state inspectors on April 2, 2014, at 4:00 p.m.

Item 6. Mayor Pro Tem Herbst declared unopposed candidates for election of two (2) Alderman positions and Mayor. Motion was made to accept the Certificate of Unopposed Candidates for election of 2 Aldermen and the Mayor and a second made by Ald. Parmelee. None opposed and all approved. Motion carried.

Item 7. Motion was made to accept Ordinance 2014-002 declaring the Unopposed Candidates for the office of two (2) Aldermen positions and Mayor to be elected to said offices as of May 10, 2014, and for adopting an Order Cancelling the General Election scheduled on Saturday, May 10, 2014. None opposed and all approved. Motion carried.

Item 8. Next Town of New Hope Town Council meeting is scheduled for April 29, 2014, 7:30 p.m. at Town Hall.

Meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m. 

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February 2014

A regular monthly meeting of the Town of New Hope Board of Aldermen Town Council was held on Tuesday, February 25, 2014, in the New Hope Town Hall. It was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Johnny Hamm. Also present were Ald. Carol King, Ald. Bob Parmelee, Ald. Omar Nunez, Ald. Jeff Herbst, and Ald. Alexandria Hull.

There were 10 citizens present.
Item 1. Call to order and quorum check.

Item 2. Citizen Comments.
There was a comment given concerning location of Boy Scout fire pit.
There was a comment given concerning trucks being painted outside of paint booth. There was comment made by attorney that Mayor approves items on the Agenda and other items can be added with petition from 3 or more Town Council members.

Item 3. Treasurer's report was given by Treasurer Ald. Bob Parmelee for February 2014. There was a motion made by Mayor Johnny Hamm to accept the Treasurer report for February 2014 as amended with one correction of transposing figures of animal control and ambulance. Second was made by Ald. Jeff Herbst. There was comment by Atty. John Rapier concerning budget and amendment to be considered at end of March and possibly placed on April agenda.

Motion was made by Mayor Hamm to accept the Minutes of January 2014 and a second was made by Ald. Herbst. None opposed and all approved. Motion carried.

Item 4. Road report was given by Road Commissioner, Ald, Jeff Herbst. No work has been done on roads in February.

Item 5. Motion was made by Mayor Hamm to adopt Ordinance No. 2014-001 ordering a general election to be held on Saturday, May 10, 2014.

Item 6. Zoning Commissioner Duke Monson presented recommendation for special zoning change for property at Trail Drive 621 and Trail Drive 611 for use as soccer field for soccer sports club as per Zoning Ordinance No. 2005-11. Owner and buyer of the property will apply as coapplicants. When all appropriate paperwork is completed, the Town Council will hold a public hearing. Motion was made to have a public hearing by Ald. Herbst. Mayor Hamm made a second. None apposed and all approved. Motion carried.

Item 7. There was some brief discussion on the Application of Armando and Magdalena Nunez for a five (5) year Specific Use Permit for a truck and trailer repair facility on a five (5) acre tract of land currently zoned single family residential. The five acre tract is bounded on the north by 140 East New Hope Road, on the west by the New Hope Town Park and on the south by Rockcrest Road (CR 337) Applicant withdrew the request for application. 

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January 2014

A regular monthly meeting of the Town of New Hope Board of Aldermen Town Council was held on Tuesday, January 28, 2013, in the New Hope Town Hall. It was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Johnny Hamm. Also present were Ald. Carol King, Ald. Bob Parmelee, Ald. Omar Nunez, Ald. Jeff Herbst, and Ald. Alexandria Hull.

There were 7 citizens present.

Item 1. Call to order and quorum check.

Item 2. Treasurer's report was given by Treasurer Ald. Bob Parmelee for January 2014. There was a motion made by Ald. Jeff Herbst to accept the Treasurer report for January 2014 as given. Mayor Hamm made a second. None opposed and all approved. Motion carried. There were some comments by Atty. John Rapier concerning asset items as listed on the balance sheet and TexPool carryover.

Motion was made by Mayor Hamm to accept the Minutes of November 2013 and a second was made by Ald. Jeff Herbst. None opposed and all approved. Motion carried.

Item 3. County Commissioner Chris Hill was unable to attend Council meeting.

Item 4. Road report was given by Road Commissioner, Ald, Jeff Herbst. The weather was too cold to do any work on roads.

Item 5. All work repair/maintenance work has been completed on the Town Hall including the new roof outside and new ceiling inside.

Item 6. Atty Mr. Rapier gave a report concerning future bonds opportunities including the Royal Bank of Canada for dormitories at Tarleton State, and a New York firm for a facility in Flower Mound. There was discussion about types of bonds to accept in the future.

Item 7. Next Town of New Hope Town Council is scheduled for February 25, 2014, 7:30 p.m. at Town Hall.

Meeting adjourned at 7:58 p.m.

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