A regular monthly meeting of the Town of New Hope Board of Aldermen/Town Council will be held on Tuesday, July 19, 2016 at 7:30 p.m. in the New Hope Town Hall, 121 Rockcrest Rd., in accordance with the following:
A G E N D A :
Item 1. Call to order and Roll call.
Public Comments.
A person may address the Council on items not on the printed agenda. Comments are limited to three (3) minutes per speaker with 45 minutes total time for all speakers. The Council may not comment or deliberate regarding such statements or comment during this period. Any discussion of the subject must be limited to a proposal to place the subject on the agenda for a future meeting.
Item 2. Consent items:
- Minutes of previous meetings(s).
- Treasurer’s report(s)
Item 3. Consider and take appropriate action on report from road commissioner.
Item 4. Discuss and take appropriate action on hiring new Town Secretary.
Item 5. Receive Mayors Budget for Fiscal year 2017 ( October 2016-September 2017)
Item 6. Discuss and set date for Budget Workshop and a public hearing on the budget for Fiscal year 2017
Item 7. Receive presentation on updating Town logo from Alderman Hull.
Item 8. Discuss and take appropriate action on updating Town logo.
Item 9. Discuss and take appropriate action of town slogan.
Item 10. Items for future discussion.
Item. Adjournment.