A regular monthly meeting of the Town of New Hope Board of Aldermen Town Council was held on Tuesday, February 25, 2014, in the New Hope Town Hall. It was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Johnny Hamm. Also present were Ald. Carol King, Ald. Bob Parmelee, Ald. Omar Nunez, Ald. Jeff Herbst, and Ald. Alexandria Hull.
There were 10 citizens present.
Item 1. Call to order and quorum check.
Item 2. Citizen Comments.
There was a comment given concerning location of Boy Scout fire pit.
There was a comment given concerning trucks being painted outside of paint booth. There was comment made by attorney that Mayor approves items on the Agenda and other items can be added with petition from 3 or more Town Council members.
Item 3. Treasurer's report was given by Treasurer Ald. Bob Parmelee for February 2014. There was a motion made by Mayor Johnny Hamm to accept the Treasurer report for February 2014 as amended with one correction of transposing figures of animal control and ambulance. Second was made by Ald. Jeff Herbst. There was comment by Atty. John Rapier concerning budget and amendment to be considered at end of March and possibly placed on April agenda.
Motion was made by Mayor Hamm to accept the Minutes of January 2014 and a second was made by Ald. Herbst. None opposed and all approved. Motion carried.
Item 4. Road report was given by Road Commissioner, Ald, Jeff Herbst. No work has been done on roads in February.
Item 5. Motion was made by Mayor Hamm to adopt Ordinance No. 2014-001 ordering a general election to be held on Saturday, May 10, 2014.
Item 6. Zoning Commissioner Duke Monson presented recommendation for special zoning change for property at Trail Drive 621 and Trail Drive 611 for use as soccer field for soccer sports club as per Zoning Ordinance No. 2005-11. Owner and buyer of the property will apply as coapplicants. When all appropriate paperwork is completed, the Town Council will hold a public hearing. Motion was made to have a public hearing by Ald. Herbst. Mayor Hamm made a second. None apposed and all approved. Motion carried.
Item 7. There was some brief discussion on the Application of Armando and Magdalena Nunez for a five (5) year Specific Use Permit for a truck and trailer repair facility on a five (5) acre tract of land currently zoned single family residential. The five acre tract is bounded on the north by 140 East New Hope Road, on the west by the New Hope Town Park and on the south by Rockcrest Road (CR 337) Applicant withdrew the request for application.