A regular monthly meeting of the Town of New Hope Board of Aldermen/Town Council will be held on Tuesday May 29, 2018 at 7:30 p.m. in the New Hope Town Hall, 121 Rockcrest Road, New Hope, Collin County, TX 75071, in accordance with the following:
Item 1. Call to order and Roll call.
Public Comments. A person may address the Council on items not on the printed agenda. Comments are limited to three (3) minutes per speaker with 45 minutes total time for Public Comments. The Town Council may not comment or deliberate regarding such statements or comment during this period. Any discussion of the subject must be limited to a proposal to place the subject on the agenda for a future meeting.
Item 2. Consent items:
· Minutes from previous meetings: regular monthly meeting April 24, 2018 and special called meeting May 15, 2018
· Treasurer’s report(s)
Item 3. Statement of Officer and Oath of Office of newly elected officials: Mayor Angel Hamm, Alderman Kimberly Barrow, and Alderman Andy Reitinger. Officials take their seats on the Council.
Item 4. Discuss and take action electing Mayor Pro-Tem and Treasurer.
Item 5. a. Report from Code Enforcement Officer Bob Matthews.
b. Discuss and take action to appoint liaison to Code Enforcement Officer.
Item 6. a. Report from Road Commissioner Terry Sanner.
b. Discuss and take action to appoint the Road Commissioner.
Item 7. a. Report from Park Commissioner Omar Nunez. Discussion and take action on reimbursement for
Town Park expenses from Collin County grant funds.
b. Discuss and take action to appoint the Park Commissioner.
Item 8. a. Report from Event Planning Coordination Committee (EPCC) Chair Kimberly Barrow on National Night Out (NNO).
b. Discuss and take appropriate action to appoint the EPCC members, Chair and Secretary.
Item 9. Discuss and take action to appoint the five Directors of the New Hope Cultural Educational Facilities Finance Corporation.
Item 10. a. Report and update from Planning & Zoning Chairman Luke Martincevic and Attorney Maria
Huynh on proposed revisions for the Town’s Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance (CZO).
b. Discuss and take action to appoint three P&Z Commissioners and one alternate Commissioner.
Item 11. Discuss and take action on approving Resolution No. 2018-004-R, designating an alderman as authorized signatory, in addition to the Town Treasurer, on the Town’s operating account at American National Bank of Texas; and providing for severability, conflicts, and an effective date.
Item 12. Discuss and take action on approving Resolution No. 2018-005-R, establishing a Media and Communications Committee.
Item 13. Discuss and take action on adopting Ordinance No. 2018-004, providing for the regulation of burning within the corporate limits and extraterritorial jurisdiction of the Town of New Hope; providing for a penalty not to exceed $1,000.00 for each violation; providing for severability, conflicts and savings; and providing for an effective date and publication of the caption hereof.
Item 14. Discuss and take action appointing the Building Official.
Item 15. Update regarding Internet access for New Hope citizens by Alderman Kelly Hughes.
Item 16. Items for future discussion.
Item 17. Set or confirm date for the next regular Town Council meeting on June 26, 2018.
Item 18. Adjournment.
I, the undersigned authority, do hereby certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on the front door of the Town of New Hope Town Hall, facing the outside at 121 Rockcrest Road, New Hope, Texas, a place convenient and readily accessible to the general public at all times, and that said Notice was posted on the date and time below, and remained posted at least 72 hours before such meeting was convened.