Item 1. Call to order and Roll call.
Public Comments:
A person may address the Council on items not on the printed agenda. Comments are limited to three (3) minutes per speaker with 45 minutes total time for all speakers. The Council may not comment or deliberate regarding such statements or comment during this period. Any discussion of the subject must be limited to a proposal to place the subject on the agenda for a future meeting.
Item 2. Consent items:
• Minutes of previous meeting(s)
• Treasurer’s report(s)
Item 3. Presentation by Robert Matthews of All American Dogs regarding possible code enforcement services.
Item 4. Untable item from October 26, 2017 meeting: Discuss and take action appointing Town Code Enforcement Official or Officer.
Item 5. Report from Park Commissioner Omar Nuñez.
Item 6. Report from Road Commissioner Terry Sanner.
Item 7. Untable item from October 26, 2017 meeting: Discuss and take action on Specific Use Permit filed by Patrice Wheeler to allow the property located at 330 Wood Ridge Drive, New Hope, Texas, zoned as SF4, to be used as a meeting place for small groups and individuals.
Item 8. Report on progress of request to Grayson-Collin Electric Cooperative for rural broadband high-speed Internet service in the Town of New Hope; discuss and take appropriate action regarding this request.
Item 9. Report on progress of request to TxDOT to conduct a traffic study for options to reduce hazardous or speeding vehicles driving on roads within the Town or other related dangerous concerns; discuss and take appropriate action regarding this request.
Item 10. Discuss and take action regarding the New Hope Cultural Education Facilities Finance Corporation ("NH CEFFC") Legacy Preparatory Charter Academy project, and the Resolution of the Town Council of the Town of New Hope, Texas, relating to approving financing by the New Hope Cultural Education Facilities Finance Corporation for Education Revenue Bonds (Legacy Preparatory Charter Academy) Series 2017A and Taxable Education Revenue Bonds (Legacy Preparatory Charter Academy) Series 2017B and related matters (Resolution No. 2017-011-R).
Item 11. Discuss and take action regarding the NHCEFFC CareFlite project, and the Resolution of the Town Council of the Town of New Hope, Texas, authorizing the issuance of the New Hope Cultural Education Facilities Finance Corporation obligations and the project to be acquired with the proceeds of such obligations (Resolution No. 2017-012-R).
Item 12. Discussion item only: Attorney Huynh will present information on May 2018 Elections.
Item 13. Items for future discussion.
Item 14. Set or confirm date(s) for next Town Council meeting on January 30, 2018.
Item 15. Adjournment.